A.   Public Hearing; Notice: The council, prior to adopting, modifying or rejecting the amendment as recommended by the commission or hearing examiner, shall conduct at least one public hearing using notice procedures as set forth in subsection 17.14.040A of this chapter. The council shall not hold a public hearing, give notice of proposed hearing, nor take action upon the amendment until a recommendation has been received from the commission or hearing examiner.
   B.   Protests: If forty percent (40%) or more of the property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the subject property and any additional lands designated by the commission or hearing examiner pursuant to subsection 17.14.040A of this chapter protest against the proposed amendment, such amendment shall become effective only if three-fourths (3/4) of the entire council votes in favor of the amendment.
   C.   Substantial Changes: Following the hearing, if the council makes a substantial change from what was presented at the hearing, further notice and hearing shall be provided before the council makes its final action.
   D.   Ordinance Required: Upon approval of an amendment, the council shall pass an ordinance making the amendment part of this title.
   E.   No Appeal For Text Amendment: There is no right to an appeal for a zoning ordinance text amendment as defined by subsection 17.14.010A of this chapter. (Ord. 1191, 2015)