For small scale wind energy systems, the commission or hearing examiner shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed conditional use in terms of the standards below. The applicant for any WEC has the burden of demonstrating compliance with these standards and if required by the building official, shall obtain a building permit prior to installing any WEC.
   A.   Roof Mounted Height: The height of roof mounted WECs shall not exceed ten feet (10') beyond the maximum building height requirement for the applicable district. The measured height shall include the entire system, including the blade radius.
   B.   Engineer Stamp: Any plan for a roof mounted WEC shall be stamped by a structural engineer.
   C.   Rotor Diameter: The rotor diameter shall not exceed seven feet (7') for a freestanding or roof mounted system.
   D.   Wind Speed: The average wind speed shall meet or exceed the minimum required by the small scale wind energy system manufacturer's specification. Wind speed information shall be measured by an anemometer at the height and location of the proposed WEC.
   E.   Freestanding Height: The height of freestanding WECs shall not exceed the maximum building height requirement for the applicable district.
   F.   Number Freestanding: Freestanding WECs are limited to one per lot(s) held in single ownership.
   G.   Setback: Minimum setback of freestanding WECs is two (2) times the tower height from the property line, measured from the tallest point of WEC. This standard does not apply to roof mounted systems.
   H.   Noise: Any WEC shall comply with the maximum permissible noise level. Every use shall be operated such that the noise level produced does not inherently and recurrently exceed twenty (20) decibels beyond ambient noise levels, during the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to seven o'clock (7:00) P.M., or ten (10) decibels beyond ambient noise level decibels during the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. During the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to seven o'clock (7:00) P.M., the noise levels permitted may increase a maximum of five (5) decibels for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes in any one hour.
      1.   Measurement Along Property Boundary: Noise levels shall be measured at any point along any boundary line of the property on which the use is located.
      2.   Measurement Along Property Owner's Building Wall: Where there is more than one property ownership in a building (e.g., a condominium or attached townhome), the noise levels shall be measured along any adjacent wall of a property owner.
   I.   Vibration: Any WEC shall generate no perceptible vibration. Every use shall be operated so that it does not inherently and recurrently generate a ground vibration that is perceptible, without instruments, at any point along any boundary line of the property on which the use is located. Where there is more than one property ownership in a building (e.g., a condominium or attached townhome), this standard shall be measured along any adjacent wall of a property owner.
   J.   Alternative Locations: Alternative locations and placement within the subject property shall be evaluated to ensure that the placement of any WEC is optimal to minimize visual impacts to adjacent properties and viewsheds while still maintaining access to the site's wind resource. (Ord. 1191, 2015)