17.11.020: APPLICATION:
   A.   Procedures: An application for a proposed conditional use permit shall follow the procedures and be subject to the requirements established by section 17.03.070 of this title, shall be made by at least one holder of any interest in the real property for which the conditional use is proposed, and shall be reviewed by the commission or hearing examiner.
   B.   Information Required: The application shall include at least the following information:
      1.   Name, address and phone number of the applicant.
      2.   Proof of interest in the subject property by the applicant, such as a deed, contract of sale, option to purchase or lease agreement.
      3.   Legal description of the subject property, including street address.
      4.   Description of existing use.
      5.   Zoning district of subject property.
      6.   Description of proposed conditional use.
      7.   A plan of the proposed site for the conditional use showing the location of all buildings, parking and loading areas, traffic access and traffic circulation, open spaces, easements, existing and proposed grade, energy efficiency considerations, landscaping, exterior lighting plan as required by chapter 17.08, article C of this title, refuse and service areas, utilities, signs, property lines, north arrow and rendering of building exteriors, where applicable.
      8.   A narrative statement evaluating the effects on adjoining property, the effect of such elements as noise, glare, odor, fumes and vibration on adjoining property.
      9.   A narrative statement identifying surrounding land uses and discussing the general compatibility of the proposed use with adjacent and other properties in the district.
      10.   A narrative discussion describing how the application meets each applicable criteria for review.
      11.   A list of the names and addresses of all property owners and residents within three hundred feet (300') of the external boundaries of the land being considered.
      12.   For a school conditional use permit application, the following must be completed with submittal of the conditional use permit application:
         a.   A narrative statement stating the projected enrollment, the grades attending the school, the projected hours of operation for normal school days and after school activities, and anticipated special events;
         b.   Description of security measures;
         c.   Evidence of financial ability to construct and maintain a school;
         d.   Bicycle and bussing plan;
         e.   A site plan showing all proposed principal and accessory buildings and structures, including school buildings, administrative buildings and maintenance facilities, and parking areas, vehicle and bus circulation areas, pick up and drop off areas, playgrounds and open areas;
         f.   Water demand estimate for all on site water consumption submitted by a licensed engineer; and
         g.   Traffic study certified by a licensed engineer. The traffic study shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
            (1) Existing Conditions: The traffic study shall provide a description of existing conditions which identifies the study area, the traffic volumes in the study area and any adjustment to the traffic volumes based on seasonal variation;
            (2) Projected Conditions: The traffic study shall provide a description of traffic projections in the first and tenth year of use which: a) identifies the source of vehicle trips (e.g., students, parents, teachers, deliveries, etc.); b) estimates the average number of daily trips including trips during peak hours; c) estimates a trip generation rate based on, at a minimum, existing local school data; and d) establishes a trip generation estimate;
            (3) Traffic And Improvement Analysis: The traffic study shall provide a level of service analysis, an estimate of increased waiting times at key intersections on projected routes of travel to and from the school and a warrant analysis for infrastructure improvement;
            (4) Drop Off And Pick Up Times: Description of average drop off and pick up times per student;
            (5) Area And Time For Drop Off And Pick Up: Description of designated area for drop off and pick up of students, along with a projected average time for drop off and pick up;
            (6) Traffic Calming Measures: Description of proposed traffic calming measures;
            (7) Traffic Reduction Measures: Description of proposed traffic reduction measures;
            (8) Pedestrian Traffic: Description of projected pedestrian traffic to and from the school; and
            (9) Infrastructure: Recommendation of infrastructure required to provide for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian movement to and from the school.
         h.   Any operational guide, such as a charter or petition for charter school, setting forth the proposed number of students in each grade, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrative staff and other support staff, hours of operation, and description of school activities on site.
      13.   Any other information as requested by the administrator to determine if the proposed conditional use meets the intent and requirements of this chapter.
      14.   A fee established in a separate ordinance approved by the council.
   C.   Concurrent Submission: A conditional use permit application may be submitted and reviewed concurrently with other applications affecting the same piece of property with the approval of the administrator. Additional time for review of concurrent applications may be specified by the administrator. Concurrent submissions shall be voted on separately. Upon filing of the application, the administrator shall submit it for review and comment by the fire, police and public works departments. (Ord. 1191, 2015)