A.   Screening From Residential Property:
      1.   All loading space areas and parking areas shall be screened from a public street and shall be screened on all sides which adjoin or face any residential property.
      2.   The screening shall consist of an acceptably designed wall, fence or drought tolerant landscaping.
      3.   Such a fence or wall shall be not less than four feet (4') nor more than six feet (6') in height and shall be maintained in good condition. The space between such fence or wall and the lot line of the adjoining premises in any residential district shall be landscaped with drought tolerant landscaping and maintained in good condition.
   B.   When Buffer Required: When a project is being reviewed pursuant to chapter 17.06 of this title, and an existing on site parking area is located adjacent to a sidewalk, a landscape buffer is required between the surface of the parking area and the sidewalk.
   C.   Landscaping Within Parking Area: Parking areas designed to accommodate sixty (60) or more cars shall include landscaping appropriately located within the parking area to adequately break up the pavement area. The landscaping shall include deciduous trees no smaller than two inch (2") caliper.
   D.   Mitigation for Accessory Dwelling Unit parking spaces: Parking stalls for Accessory Dwelling Units shall be reviewed to assess light trespass into residential indoor living areas on adjacent properties. Mitigation measures may include fencing, landscaping, screening, landscape walls, and similar treatments. (Ord. 1275, 2021; Ord. 1191, 2015)