A.   Design: Except as otherwise provided herein, any parking area on private property shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from or onto a public street shall be traveling in a forward motion.
   B.   Through Alleys: Where alleys exist, access to on site parking for any nonresidential use or for any multi-family development of three (3) or more units shall be from the alley. Parking areas adjacent to alleys may be designed to allow a vehicle to back from the parking area into the alley.
   C.   Alley Not Present: If the site is not serviced by an alley, access shall be from a single approach to the street to confine vehicular/pedestrian conflict to limited locations, allow more buffering of the parking area and preserve the street frontage for pedestrian traffic.
   D.   Visibility: Access for on site parking areas or loading spaces shall be located in such a way that any vehicle entering or leaving such area shall be clearly visible by a pedestrian or motorist approaching the access or driveway from a public or private street.
   E.   Subdivisions: Access for subdivisions shall be provided in accordance with standards set forth in title 16, chapter 16.04 of this code.
   F.   Backing Design Permitted: Parking areas containing no more than two (2) parking spaces in any zoning district or parking areas within the LR, GR, TN, TI and LI districts may be designed to allow a vehicle to back from the parking area into the public right of way.
   G.   Stacking: Parking areas for residential uses only may be designed to allow required parking spaces for one vehicle to deny access to another vehicle, thus "stacking" the parking area. For nonresidential uses, stacked parking may be allowed only for additional spaces that may be provided in excess of the required number of parking spaces. (Ord. 1336, 2023; Ord. 1191, 2015)