A.   Nonresidential, Multi-Family Or Mixed Use Building: The following design standards apply to all nonresidential, multi-family or mixed use building located within the city of Hailey:
   1.   Site Planning:
         a.   The location, orientation and surface of buildings shall maximize, to the greatest extent possible, sun exposure in exterior spaces to create spaces around buildings that are usable by the occupants and allow for safe access to buildings.
         b.   All existing plant material shall be inventoried and delineated, to scale, and noted whether it is to be preserved, relocated or removed. Removal of trees larger than six inch (6") caliper proposed to be removed require an arborist review. Any tree destroyed or mortally injured after previously being identified to be preserved, or removed without authorization, shall be replaced with a species of tree found in the tree guide and shall be a minimum of two-and- a-half inch (2 ½") caliper.
         c.   Site circulation shall be designed so pedestrians have safe access to and through the site and to building.
         d.   Building services, including loading areas, trash storage/pick up areas and utility boxes shall be located at the rear of a building; the side of the building adjacent to an internal lot line may be considered as an alternate location. These areas shall be designed in a manner to minimize conflict among uses and shall not interfere with other uses, such as snow storage. These areas shall be screened with landscaping, enclosures, fencing or by the principal building.
         e.   Where alleys exist, or are planned, they shall be utilized for building services.
         f.   Vending machines located on the exterior of a building shall not be visible from any street.
         g.   Except as otherwise provided herein, on site parking areas shall be located at the rear of the building and buffered from the sidewalk adjacent to the street. Parking and access shall not be obstructed by snow accumulation.
            (1)   Parking areas located within the SCI zoning district may be located at the side or rear of the building.
            (2)   Parking areas may be considered at the side of buildings within the B, LB, TI and LI zoning districts, provided a usable prominent entrance is located on the front of the building and the parking area is buffered from the sidewalk adjacent to the street.
         h.   Access to on site parking shall be from the alley or, if the site is not serviced by an alley, from a single approach to the street to confine vehicular/pedestrian conflict to limited locations, allow more buffering of the parking area and preserve the street frontage for pedestrian traffic. Where possible, driveways for townhouse and/or cottage developments shall be shared between adjacent properties per subsection 16.04.020M, Driveways.
         i.   Snow storage areas shall be provided on site where practical and sited in a manner that is accessible to all types of snow removal vehicles of a size that can accommodate moderate areas of snow.
         j.   Snow storage areas shall not be less than twenty five percent (25%) of the improved parking and vehicle and pedestrian circulation areas.
         k.   A designated snow storage area shall not have any dimension less than ten feet (10').
         l.   Hauling of snow from downtown areas is permissible where other options are not practical.
         m.   Snow storage areas shall not impede parking spaces, vehicular and pedestrian circulation or line of sight, loading areas, trash storage/pick up areas, service areas or utilities.
         n.   Snow storage areas shall be landscaped with vegetation that is salt tolerant and resilient to heavy snow.
      2.   Building Design:
         a.   The proportion, size, shape and rooflines of new buildings shall be compatible with surrounding buildings.
         b.   Standardized corporate building designs are prohibited.
         c.   At ground level, building design shall emphasize human scale, be pedestrian oriented and encourage human activity and interaction. Site planning shall include designated seating areas, picnic tables, pavilions, or other amenities that provide usable spaes for employees and pedestrians alike.
         d.   The front facade of buildings shall face the street and may include design features such as windows, pedestrian entrances, building offsets, projections, architectural detailing, courtyards and change in materials or similar features to create human scale and break up large building surfaces and volumes.
         e.   Any addition on to or renovation of an existing building shall be designed to create a cohesive whole.
         f.   All exterior walls of a building shall incorporate the use of varying materials, textures and colors.
         g.   Exterior buildings colors and materials shall be integrated appropriately into the architecture of the building and be harmonious within the project and with surrounding buildings.
         h.   Flat roofed buildings over two (2) stories in height shall incorporate roof elements such as parapets, upper decks, balconies or other design elements.
         i.   All buildings shall minimize energy consumption by utilizing alternative energy sources and/or passive solar techniques. At least three (3) of the following techniques, or an approved alternative, shall be used to improve energy cost savings and provide a more comfortable and healthy living space:
            (1)   Solar Orientation: If there is a longer wall plane, it shall be placed on an east-west axis. A building's wall plane shall be oriented within thirty degrees (30o) of true south.
            (2)   South Facing Windows With Eave Coverage: At least forty percent (40%) of the building's total glazing surface shall be oriented to the south, with roof overhang or awning coverage at the south.
            (3)   Double Glazed: Double glazed windows.
            (4)   Low Emissivity Glazing: Windows with low emissivity glazing.
            (5)   Exterior Walls: Earth berming against exterior walls.
            (6)   Alternative Energy: Solar energy for electricity or water heating, wind energy or another approved alternative shall be installed on site.
            (7)   Exterior Light Shelves: All windows on the southernmost facing side of the building shall have external light shelves installed.
         j.   Gabled coverings, appropriate roof pitch, or snow clips and/or gutters and downspouts shall be provided over all walkways and entries to prevent snow from falling directly onto adjacent sidewalks.
         k.   Downspouts and drains shall be located within landscape areas or other appropriate locations where freezing will not create pedestrian hazards.
         l.   Vehicle canopies associated with gas stations, convenience stores or drive-through facilities shall have a minimum roof pitch of three to twelve (3:12) and be consistent with the colors, material and architectural design used on the principal building(s).
         m.   A master plan for signage is required to ensure the design and location of signs is compatible with the building design and compliance with section 17.08A.020 of this title.
      3.   Accessory Structures, Fences And Equipment/Utilities:
         a.   Accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the principal building(s).
         b.   Except as otherwise provided herein, accessory structures shall be located at the rear of the property.
            (1)   Accessory structures may be considered in a location other than the rear on sites determined to have characteristics that prevent location at the rear of the site.
         c.   Walls and fences shall be constructed of materials compatible with other materials used on the site.
         d.   Walls and fencing shall not dominate the buildings or the landscape. Planting should be integrated with fencing in order to soften the visual impact.
         e.   Except as otherwise provided herein, all roof projections, including roof mounted mechanical equipment, such as heating and air conditioning units, shall be shielded and screened from view from the ground level of on site parking areas, adjacent public streets and adjacent properties. Wind energy systems that have received a conditional use permit and solar panels are exempt from this requirement.
         f.   The hardware associated with alternative energy sources shall be incorporated into the building's design and not detract from the building and its surroundings.
         g.   All ground mounted mechanical equipment, including heating and air conditioning units, and trash receptacle areas, shall be adequately screened from surrounding properties and streets by the use of a wall, fence or landscaping, or shall be enclosed within a building.
         h.   All service lines into the subject property shall be installed underground.
         i.   Additional appurtenances shall not be located on existing utility poles.
      4.   Landscaping:
         a.   Only drought tolerant plant species and/or xeriscape specific plant materials shall be used, as specified by the Hailey landscaping manual or an approved alternative.
         b.   All plant species shall be hardy to the zone 4 environment.
         c.   At a minimum, a temporary irrigation system that fully operates for at least two (2) complete growing seasons is required in order to establish drought tolerant plant species and/or xeriscape specific plant materials. Features that minimize water use, such as moisture sensors, are encouraged.
         d.   Landscaped areas shall be planned as an integral part of the site with consideration of the urban environment. A combination of trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, and ornamental grasses shall be used. Newly landscaped areas shall include trees with a caliper of no less than two and one-half inches (2 ½”). A maximum of twenty percent (20%) of any single tree species shall not be exceeded in any landscape plan, which includes street trees. New planting areas shall be designed to accommodate typical trees at maturity. Buildings within the LI and SCI-I Zoning Districts are excluded from this standard.
         e.   Seasonal plantings in planter boxes, pots and/or hanging baskets shall be provided to add color and interest to the outside of buildings in the LI and SCI-I zoning districts.
         f.   Plantings for pedestrian areas within the B, LB, TN and SCI-SO zoning districts shall be designed with attention to the details of color, texture and form. A variety of trees, shrubs, perennials, ground covers and seasonal plantings, with different shapes and distinctive foliage, bark and flowers shall be used in beds, planter boxes, pots and/or hanging baskets.
         g.   Stormwater runoff should be retained on the site wherever possible and used to irrigate plant materials.
         h.   A plan for maintenance of the landscaping areas is required to ensure that the project appears in a well maintained condition (i.e., all weeds and trash removed, dead plant materials removed and replaced).
         i.   Retaining walls shall be designed to minimize their impact on the site and the appearance of the site.
         j.   Retaining walls shall be constructed of materials that are utilized elsewhere on the site, or of natural or decorative materials.
         k.   Retaining walls, where visible to the public and/or to residents or employees of the project, shall be no higher than four feet (4') or terraced with a three foot (3') horizontal separation of walls.
         l.   Landscaping should be provided within or in front of extensive retaining walls.
         m.   Retaining walls over twenty four inches (24") high may require railings or planting buffers for safety.
         n.   Low retaining walls may be used for seating if capped with a surface of at least twelve (12) to sixteen inches (16") wide.
   B.   Nonresidential And Mixed Use Buildings Located Within B, LB Or TN Districts: In addition to the standards applicable to any nonresidential, multi- family or mixed use building located within the city of Hailey described in subsection A of this section, the following design standards also apply to any nonresidential and mixed use buildings located within the B or LB zoning districts:
      1.   Site Planning:
         a.   The site shall support pedestrian circulation and provide pedestrian amenities. Sidewalks shall be provided along building fronts.
         b.   Wider sidewalks are encouraged to provide additional amenities, such as seating areas and bicycle racks.
      2.   Building Design:
         a.   The main facade shall be oriented to the street. The main entrance(s) to the building shall be located on the street side of the building. If the building is located on a corner, entrances shall be provided on both street frontages. If the design includes a courtyard, the main entrance may be located through the courtyard. Buildings with more than one retail space on the ground floor are encouraged to have separate entrances for each unit.
         b.   Multi-unit structures shall emphasize the individuality of units or provide visual interest by variations in rooflines or walls or other human scale elements. Breaking the facades and roofs of buildings softens the institutional image which may often accompany large buildings.
         c.   Building designs shall maximize the human scale of buildings and enhance the small town "sense of place". This can be achieved by utilizing voids and masses, as well as details, textures and colors on building facades. Human scale can also be achieved by incorporating structural elements, such as colonnades and covered walkways, overhangs, canopies, entries and landscaping. Particular attention should be paid to creating interest at the street level.
         d.   Buildings that exceed thirty feet (30') in height, the entire roof surface shall not project to the highest point of the roof. The commission shall review building height relative to the other dimensions of width and depth combined with detailing of parapets, cornices, roof and other architectural elements.
         e.   Livable outdoor spaces in multi-story buildings that create pleasing elements and reduce the mass of taller buildings are encouraged.
         f.   Fire department staging areas shall be incorporated into the design elements of the building.
         g.   New buildings adjacent to residential areas shall be designed to ensure that building massing and scale provide a transition to adjoining residential neighborhoods. Possible mitigation techniques include, but are not limited to, the following:
            (1)   Locating open space and preserving existing vegetation on the edge of the site to further separate the building from less intensive uses;
            (2)   Stepping down the massing of the building along the site's edge; and
            (3)   Limiting the length of or articulating building facades to reflect adjacent residential patterns.
      3.   Landscaping: When abutting the LR, GR or TN zoning districts, a landscape buffer between the project and the residential property shall be provided. The buffer shall be at least eight feet (8') wide to create a year round visual screen of at least six feet (6') in height. The buffer shall be designed to avoid the appearance of a straight line or wall of uniform plant material and shall be wide enough to accommodate the planted species when mature.
   C.   Nonresidential Building Located Within LI, SCI, TI Or A Districts: In addition to the standards applicable to any nonresidential, multi-family or mixed use building located within the city of Hailey described in subsection A of this section, the following design standards also apply to any nonresidential building located within the LI, SCI, TI or A zoning districts:
      1.   Site Planning:
         a.   Adjoining parcels shall be considered when planning building configuration, vehicular circulation and access, parking and drainage.
         b.   Reciprocal vehicular ingress and egress, circulation and parking arrangements are encouraged when the adjacent site(s) allows in order to facilitate the ease of vehicular movement between adjoining properties.
         c.   Vehicle circulation, parking and loading shall not block pedestrian accessways.
   D.   Multi-Family Development: In addition to the standards applicable to any nonresidential, multi-family or mixed use developments located within the city of Hailey described in subsection A of this section, the following design standards also apply to multi-family developments located within the City of Hailey:
      1.   Site Planning:
         a.   The location of buildings shall respond to the specific site conditions, such as topography, street corners, open space and existing and planned adjacent uses.
         b.   Site plans shall include a convenient, attractive and interconnected pedestrian system of sidewalks and shared pathways to reinforce pedestrian circulation within a site.
         c.   Buildings shall be organized to maximize efficient pedestrian circulation and create gathering places.
      2.   Building Design:
         a.   Buildings shall incorporate massing, group lines and character that responds to single-family homes. Buildings may also include the use of varying materials, textures and colors to break up the bulk and mass of large multi-family buildings. Front doors should be individual and visible from the street. Windows should be residential in scale and thoughtfully placed to provide for privacy and solar gain.
         b.   At ground level, buildings shall present a setting that is visually pleasing to the pedestrian and that encourages human activity and interaction. (Ord. 1311, 2022; Ord. 1191, 2015)
   E.   Detached Townhouse Development: In addition to the standards applicable to all nonresidential, multi-family or mixed-use developments located within the City of Hailey described in subsection A of this section, the following design standards also apply to detached townhouse developments located within the City of Hailey:
      Driveway Access: Garages shall be located near the rear of the primary residence and in no case shall be located less than ten feet (10') behind the front façade of the residence.
   F.   Cottage Development: In addition to the standards applicable to all nonresidential, multi-family or mixed-use developments located within the City of Hailey described in subsection A of this section, the following design standards also apply to cottage developments located within the City of Hailey, all of which are compulsory unless a superior design is approved:
      1.   Common Open Space:
         a.   Common open space of at least four hundred (400) square feet per cottage dwelling unit, with a maximum requirement of three thousand (3,000) square feet per cottage development, shall be provided.
         b.   Minimum dimensions of the common open space shall be no less than twenty (20) linear feet.
         c.   All cottage dwelling units shall abut common open space, with cottages located on at least two (2) sides of the open space.
         d.   Cottage dwelling units shall be oriented around the common open space. The front entry porch of each cottage shall be oriented toward the common open space unless the cottage dwelling unit is located on a public street. If a cottage dwelling unit is located on a public street, its front entry porch shall be visible from the street, and the cottage shall have at least one (1) entry porch, front or secondary, visible from the common open space.
         e.   Cottages shall be located no more than sixty feet (60') from the edge of the common open space.
         f.   The common open space shall consist of a paved plaza, landscaped greenspace, community garden, or other approved alternative with access for all dwelling units in the cottage development per the requirements of Section 16.04.110A1c.
         g.   The common area shall serve the occupants of the cottage development in which it is located and shall be maintained by the cottage development homeowners' association, or landlord, if the cottage development is a rental endeavor.
      2.   Porches: Each cottage dwelling units' main entry shall feature an entry porch with useable space by the occupant(s). The front entry porch of the cottage dwelling unit shall be oriented toward the common open space unless the cottage is located on a public street. If a cottage is located on a public street, its front entry porch shall be visible from the street, and the cottage shall have at least one (1) entry porch, front or secondary, visible from the common open space.
      3.   Parking And Driveway Location And Design:
         a.   Required off street parking is encouraged to be detached from the cottage dwelling units and located in a clustered format. Maximum one (1) attached private, single car garage per dwelling unit is also acceptable, provided the garage meets all other standards specified in this section.
         b.   Parking shall be located in the same development as the cottage units.
         c.   Clustered parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the cottage development. Parking is prohibited between the cottage units and any public streets, between the cottage units and the common open space, and within any required setbacks.
         d.   Attached private garages shall accommodate only one (1) car and shall have a maximum gross floor area of three hundred (300) square feet. Attached garages are prohibited between the cottage units and any public streets, between the cottage units and the common open space, and within any required setbacks. If the dwelling unit is located on a public street, its private garage shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') behind the street façade of the residence.
         e.   Clustered parking shall include landscaping in the form of trees and shrubs, around and within the parking area(s).
         f.   Parking areas shall be accessed via a parking access lane complying with all regulations set forth in the IFC and other applicable codes and ordinances.
         g.   Each cottage development of up to fourteen (14) dwelling units shall be served by a parking access lane and/or private driveway(s). No more than one (1) parking access lane per cottage development shall be permitted, except where the development fronts onto more than one (1) public street. When a cottage development fronts onto more than one (1) public street, no more than one (1) parking access lane is permitted per public street.
         h.   Parking and vehicular areas shall be screened from public view and from adjacent residential units by landscaping, landscaping features, or architectural screens.
         i.   Each cottage development clustered parking area shall provide accessible parking in compliance with the provisions of the IBC, Chapter 11, Accessibility.
      4.   Accessibility:
         a.   All common areas in a cottage development shall meet the provisions of Chapter 11 of the IBC.
         b.   Each cottage development clustered parking area shall provide accessible parking in compliance with the provisions of the IBC, Chapter 11, Accessibility.
      5.   Storage: Each cottage unit shall be provided with a dedicated storage unit that is fifty (50) square feet in size. The storage unit may be located within or adjacent to the house, within a garage or carport or within a free-standing accessory building.
      6.   Community Building: One (1) accessory community building shall be allowed as an accessory use as part of the cottage development's common area. Community building size shall be limited to eight hundred (800) gross square feet in size, and a single story. (Ord. 1336, 2023; Ord. 1311, 2022; Ord. 1191, 2015; Ord. 1334, 2024))