The following purposes describe the broad goals of design review. They are not intended to be prescriptive or regulatory.
   A.   To ensure that the general appearance and function of building design and construction is compatible with the character of the City of Hailey and its neighborhoods;
   B.   To promote original and high quality design;
   C.   To reinforce the historic and cultural character of the Hailey community;
   D.   To encourage revitalization of downtown Hailey;
   E.   To promote building and site design that fits into the context of established neighborhoods, and reinforces a "sense of place";
   F.   To promote sustainable design principles;
   G.   To promote walkable development and enhance the character and function of Hailey streets;
   H.   To coordinate on site vehicular and nonvehicular traffic circulation patterns with adjacent transportation systems, and to manage the impact of the vehicular traffic on adjacent streets;
   I.   To ensure efficient arrangement of on site parking with regard to building location, safe access points, nonmotorized travel, utilities and public services and adjacent land uses;
   J.   To prevent unnecessary excavation or fill for building foundations, access roads, driveways and similar improvements including prevention of soil erosion and flood damage;
   K.   To ensure appropriate and adequate landscaping, with an emphasis on sustainable, low water use landscaping; and
   L.   To protect and conserve the economic base of Hailey, including property values. (Ord. 1191, 2015)