A. On-Site Parking Space Requirements For Multiple Family Dwellings And Dwelling Units Within A Mixed Use Building:
1. A minimum of one space per residential dwelling unit, where up to twenty five percent (25%) of required on-site parking spaces may be provided as compact parking spaces. Compact spaces must be signed as such.
2. At least one guest parking space for every six (6) dwelling units. Unimproved City rights-of-way adjacent to the site that are improved as part of the project shall count towards the guest parking requirement.
B. Useable Open Space, Screening And Landscaping:
1. Useable open space of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total lot area shall be included in the project design. Useable open space shall not include private decks, patios or rooftop gardens.
2. A landscape buffer between parking areas and residential zone districts may consist of an acceptably designed wall or fence incorporating drought tolerant plantings; and
3. Minimum distance setbacks in section of this title shall not apply.
C. On-Site Parking Dimension: Where the parking angle is ninety degrees (90°), the minimum aisle width may be twenty two feet (22'), as determined through the design review process.
D. Storage: All units under five hundred (500) square feet shall be provided with on-site storage suitable for bikes, skis and other similar items. Size, location and design of the storage areas shall be determined through the design review process. (Ord. 1238, 2018)