17.04L.030.03: ACCESSORY USES:
Accessory uses within the SCI-I subdistrict are described in the district use matrix, section 17.05.040 of this title. Supplemental standards for accessory dwelling units are contained in Chapter 17.08, Article D. Accessory Dwelling Units.
   A.   Shipping containers utilized for storage. These containers must be shielded from view by fencing or landscaping, and shall require a building permit.
   B.   Sales incidental to nonretail principal use.
   C.   Offices accessory to a nonoffice principal use.
   D.   Accessory dwelling units (ADU), provided the following criteria are met:
      1.   There shall not be more than one ADU per unit within a principal building.
      2.   ADU entrances shall connect to sidewalks and/or designated pedestrian circulation areas that lead to and from the primary sidewalk system and away from work zone alleys.
      3.   Each ADU shall have designated ground floor storage space for the occupant's use. The storage shall be secure, covered and screened.
      4.   An ADU shall be occupied by an owner or employee of a business which occupies the principal building.
      5.   An ADU shall not be sold as a condominium or a separate legal parcel from the principal building. (Ord. 1275, 2021; Ord. 1191, 2015)