A.   Alleys:
      1.   Alleys shall be provided in all Business District and Limited Business District developments where feasible.
      2.   The minimum width of an alley shall be twenty six feet (26').
      3.   All alleys shall be dedicated to the public or provide for public access.
      4.   All infrastructures to be installed underground shall, where possible, be installed in the alleys platted.
      5.   Alleys in commercial areas shall be improved with drainage as appropriate and which the design meets the approval of the City Engineer. The developer shall provide storm sewers and/or drainage areas of adequate size and number to contain any runoff within the streets in the subdivision upon the property in conformance with the latest applicable Federal, State and local regulations. The developer shall provide copies of State permits for shallow injection wells (dry wells). Drainage plans shall be reviewed by City staff and shall meet the approval of the City Engineer.
      6.   Dead end alleys shall not be allowed.
      7.   Where alleys are not provided, easements of not less than ten feet (10') in width may be required on each side of all rear and/or side lot lines (total width = 20 feet) where necessary for wires, conduits, storm or sanitary sewers, gas and water lines. Easements of greater width may be required along lines, across lots, or along boundaries, where necessary for surface drainage or for the extension of utilities.
   B.   Easements: "Easements", defined as the use of land not having all the rights of ownership and limited to the purposes designated on the plat, shall be placed on the plat as appropriate. Plats shall show the entity to which the easement has been granted. Easements shall be provided for the following purposes:
      1.   To provide access through or to any property for the purpose of providing utilities, emergency services, public access, private access, recreation, deliveries or such other purpose. Any subdivision that borders on the Big Wood River shall dedicate a twenty foot (20') wide fisherman's access easement, measured from the mean high water mark, which shall provide for nonmotorized public access. Additionally, in appropriate areas, an easement providing nonmotorized public access through the subdivision to the river shall be required as a sportsman's access.
      2.   To provide protection from or buffering for any natural resource, riparian area, hazardous area, or other limitation or amenity on, under, or over the land. Any subdivision that borders on the Big Wood River shall dedicate a one hundred foot (100') wide riparian setback easement, measured from the mean high water mark, upon which no permanent structure shall be built, in order to protect the natural vegetation and wildlife along the riverbank and to protect structures from damage or loss due to riverbank erosion. A twenty five foot (25') wide riparian setback easement shall be dedicated adjacent to tributaries of the Big Wood River. Removal and maintenance of live or dead vegetation within the riparian setback easement is controlled by the applicable bulk requirement of the flood hazard overlay district. The riparian setback easement shall be fenced off during any construction on the property.
      3.   To provide for the storage of snow, drainage areas or the conduct of irrigation waters. Snow storage areas shall be not less than twenty five percent (25%) of parking, sidewalk and other circulation areas. No dimension of any snow storage area may be less than ten feet (10'). All snow storage areas shall be accessible and shall not be located over any aboveground utilities, such as transformers. (Ord. 1191, 2015)