16.04.020: STREETS:
Streets shall be provided in all subdivisions where necessary to provide access and shall meet all standards below:
   A.   Development Standards: All streets in the subdivision must be platted and developed with a width, alignment and improvements such that the street is adequate to safely accommodate existing and anticipated vehicular and pedestrian traffic and meets city standards. Streets shall be aligned in such a manner as to provide through, safe and efficient access from and to adjacent developments and properties and shall provide for the integration of the proposed streets with the existing pattern.
   B.   Cul-De-Sacs; Dead End Streets: Cul-de-sacs or dead end streets shall be allowed only if connectivity is not possible due to surrounding topography or existing platted development. Where allowed, such cul-de-sacs or dead end streets shall comply with all regulations set forth in the IFC and other applicable codes and ordinances. Street rights of way extended into unplatted areas shall not be considered dead end streets.
   C.   Access: More than one access may be required based on the potential for impairment of a single access by vehicle congestion, terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access.
   D.   Design: Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at less than eighty degrees (80°). Where possible, four-way intersections shall be used. A recommended distance of five hundred feet (500'), with a maximum of seven hundred fifty feet (750'), measured from the centerline, shall separate any intersection. Alternatively, traffic calming measures, including, but not limited to, speed humps, speed tables, raised intersections, traffic circles or roundabouts, meanderings, chicanes, chokers and/or neckdowns shall be a part of the street design. Alternate traffic calming measures may be approved with a recommendation by the city engineer. Three-way intersections shall only be permitted where most appropriate or where no other configuration is possible. A minimum distance of one hundred fifty feet (150'), measured from the centerline, shall separate any two (2) three-way intersections.
   E.   Centerlines: Street centerlines which deflect more than five degrees (5°) shall be connected by a curve. The radius of the curve for the centerline shall not be more than five hundred feet (500') for an arterial street, one hundred sixty six feet (166') for a collector street and eighty nine feet (89') for a residential street. Alternatively, traffic calming measures, including, but not limited to, speed humps, speed tables, raised intersections, traffic circles or roundabouts, meanderings, chicanes, chokers and/or neckdowns shall be a part of the street design. Alternate traffic calming measures may be approved with a recommendation by the city engineer.
   F.   Width: Street width is to be measured from property line to property line. The minimum street width, unless specifically approved otherwise by the council, shall be as specified in city standards for the type of street.
   G.   Roadways: "Roadway", for the purpose of this section, shall be defined as the area of asphalt from curb face to curb face or edge to edge. Roadway includes areas for vehicle travel and may include parallel or angle in parking areas. The width of roadways shall be in accordance with the adopted City standards for road construction.
   H.   Road Grades: Road grades shall be at least two percent (2%) and shall not generally exceed six percent (6%). Grade may exceed six percent (6%), where necessary, by one percent (1%) (total 7 percent) for no more than three hundred feet (300') or two percent (2%) (total 8 percent) for no more than one hundred fifty feet (150'). No excess grade shall be located within two hundred feet (200') of any other excess grade nor there any horizontal deflection in the roadway greater than thirty degrees (30°) within three hundred feet (300') of where the excess grade decreases to a two percent (2%) slope.
   I.   Runoff: The developer shall provide storm sewers and/or drainage areas of adequate size and number to contain any runoff within the streets in the subdivision in conformance with the applicable Federal, State and local regulations. The developer shall provide copies of State permits for shallow injection wells (dry wells). Drainage plans shall be reviewed by City staff and shall meet the approval of the City Engineer. Developer shall provide a copy of EPA's "NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharge From Construction Activity" for all construction activity affecting more than one acre.
   J.   Signage: The developer shall provide and install all street and traffic control signs in accordance with City standards.
   K.   Dedication; Names: All streets and alleys within any subdivision shall be dedicated for public use, except as provided herein. New street names (public and private) shall not be the same or similar to any other street names used in Blaine County.
   L.   Private Streets:
      1.   Private streets may be allowed: a) to serve a maximum of five (5) residential dwelling units; b) within planned unit developments; or c) within commercial developments in the Business, Limited Business, Neighborhood Business, Light Industrial, Technological Industry, Peri-Urban Agricultural and Service Commercial Industrial Districts. Private streets are allowed at the sole discretion of the Council, except that no arterial or major street, or collector or secondary street may be private. Private streets shall have a minimum total width of thirty-six feet (36'), shall be constructed to all other applicable City standards including paving, and shall be maintained by an owners' association.
      2.   Private streets, wherever possible, shall provide interconnection with other public streets and private streets.
      3.   The area designated for private streets shall be platted as a separate parcel according to subsection 16.04.060C of this chapter. The plat shall clearly indicate that the parcel is unbuildable, except for public vehicular and public pedestrian access and ingress/egress, utilities or as otherwise specified on the plat.
      4.   Private street names shall not end with the word "road", "boulevard", "avenue", "drive" or "street". Private streets serving five (5) or fewer dwelling units shall not be named.
      5.   Private streets shall have adequate and unencumbered ten foot (10') wide snow storage easements on both sides of the street, or an accessible dedicated snow storage easement representing not less than twenty five percent (25%) of the improved area of the private street. Private street snow storage easements shall not be combined with, or encumber, required on site snow storage areas.
      6.   Subdivisions with private streets shall provide two (2) additional parking spaces per dwelling unit for guest and/or overflow parking. These spaces may be located: a) within the residential lot (e.g., between the garage and the roadway); b) as parallel spaces within the street parcel or easement adjacent to the travel lanes; c) in a designated guest parking area; or d) as a combination thereof. Guest/overflow parking spaces are in addition to the minimum number of parking spaces required pursuant to title 17, chapter 17.09 of this Code. The dimension of guest/overflow parking spaces shall meet the parking standards of section 17.09.030, On Site Parking Dimension. Guest/overflow parking spaces shall be improved with asphalt, gravel, pavers, grass block, or other all-weather dustless surface. No part of any required guest/overflow parking spaces shall be utilized for snow storage.
   M.   Driveways:
      1.   Number Of Units Served By One (1) Driveway:
         a.   Single-Family Dwelling Units: Driveways may provide access to not more than two (2) single-family dwelling units. Where a parcel to be subdivided will have one lot fronting on a street, not more than one additional single-family lot accessed by a driveway may be created in the rear of the parcel. In such a subdivision, where feasible (e.g., no driveway already exists), both lots shall share access via a single driveway.
         b.   Townhouse And Cottage Dwelling Units: Driveways may provide access to not more than four (4) townhouses or cottage dwelling units. Where a townhouse development will have sublots fronting a street, not more than one (1) additional townhouse sublot accessed by a driveway may be created to the rear of each sublot. All driveways shall meet the applicable requirements of the fire and building codes, as adopted by the City of Hailey.
      2.   Driveways shall be constructed with an all-weather surface and shall have the following maximum roadway widths:
         a.   Accessing one residential unit: twenty feet (20');
         b.   Accessing two (2) or more residential units: thirty feet (30').
      No portion of the required fire lane width of any driveway may be utilized for parking, aboveground utility structures, dumpsters or other service areas, snow storage or any other obstructions.
      3.   Driveways longer than one hundred fifty feet (150') must have a turnaround area approved by the Fire Department. Fire lane signage must be provided as approved by the Fire Department.
      4.   Driveways accessing more than one residential dwelling unit shall be maintained by an owners' association, or in accordance with a plat note.
      5.   The area designated for a driveway serving more than one dwelling unit shall be platted as a separate unbuildable parcel, or as a dedicated driveway easement. Easements and parcels shall clearly indicate the beneficiary of the easement or parcel and that the property is unbuildable except for ingress/egress, utilities or as otherwise specified on the plat. A building envelope may be required in order to provide for adequate building setback.
      6.   No driveway shall interfere with maintenance of existing infrastructure and shall be located to have the least adverse impact on residential dwelling units, existing or to be constructed, on the lot the easement encumbers and on adjacent lots.
      7.   Driveways shall not be named.
   N.   Parking Access Lane: Multi-family, townhouse developments of greater than four (4) dwelling units, and cottage developments may be served by a parking access lane. A parking access lane shall not be considered a street but shall comply with all regulations set forth in the IFC and other applicable codes and ordinances.
      Cottage Developments: Cottage developments shall be served by no more than one (1) parking access lane on each public street frontage.
   O.   Fire Lanes: Required fire lanes, whether in private streets, driveways or parking access lanes, shall comply with all regulations set forth in the IFC and other applicable codes and ordinances. (Ord. 1336, 2023; Ord. 1220, 2017; Ord. 1191, 2015)