A. Applicability: Reservation for the exclusive use of a portion of a City park, for gatherings of less than two hundred fifty (250) people shall require the prior issuance of a park reservation. For gatherings that are reasonably expected to attract two hundred fifty (250) or more people, or require the exclusive use of the entire park, or involve a multi-retailer sales event and community event sales as defined under sales event in section 12.12.010 of this chapter, the procedures and requirements of chapter 12.14 of this title shall apply instead. Single retailer sales event as defined under sales event in section 12.12.010 of this chapter shall not be allowed in City parks.
1. Hop Porter and McKercher Parks shall be kept available for special events, defined and administered pursuant to chapter 12.14 of this title, on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the following weekends of each year:
a. Memorial Day;
b. The weekend closest to July 4. If July 4 is on a Tuesday, the weekend before is reserved. If July 4 is on a Wednesday or Thursday, then the weekend after is reserved;
c. Labor Day;
d. The second weekend in October for the Trailing of the Sheep Festival;
2. Deerfield, Curtis, and Echo Hill Parks are neighborhood parks that should remain available for use by the general public and shall not be reserved for exclusive use, except with an approved special events application pursuant to chapter 12.14 of this title. Reservations of these parks for seasonal events shall be prohibited due to the limited parking available.
3. Jimmy's Garden, the Hailey Skatepark and E.W. Fox Demonstration Garden are city-wide special use parks and shall not be reserved for exclusive use.
4. Sports fields at Cutters, Foxmoor, Kiwanis, Keefer and McKercher Parks shall be available for recreational league use through a seasonal event permit, limited to four (4) days per week.
5. Keefer Park has three (3) playing fields and one baseball/softball field. One reservation and applicable fees shall be required and apply for each individual playing field.
B. Administration: The Administrator of this chapter is responsible for the coordination of any applicable departmental review and issuance of a park reservation.
1. Authority Of Administrator:
a. For events that are reasonably expected to attract less than two hundred fifty (250) participants, the Administrator has the authority to issue a park reservation and shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
b. For events that are reasonably expected to attract two hundred fifty (250) or more people, the applicant shall comply with chapter 12.14 of this title.
C. Application Procedure:
1. An application for a park reservation shall be signed by the applicant on a form provided by the Administrator and shall be filed with the Administrator.
2. At a minimum, the applicant shall provide, on a form provided by the Administrator, sufficient information to address the requirements set forth in this chapter.
3. Except as otherwise provided herein, all park reservation applications shall be issued according to date received. Requests for park use permits received first shall have priority over applications received later.
a. If Hop Porter or McKercher Park is not reserved for a special event on one of the weekends listed in subsection A1 of this section, then a park reservation application may be submitted to reserve the park on one of the weekends listed in subsection A1 of this section not more than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the start of the desired reservation date.
4. A park reservation shall include the minimum conditions that any amplified sound shall be limited between ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. and dusk, and that any amplified sound shall not exceed ninety (90) dB, measured at the property line at any time during the event; provided, however, the Administrator is authorized to impose more restrictive conditions.
5. Additional conditions may be added to an approved park reservation, as determined by the Administrator. These include, but are not limited to, events with more than ninety nine (99) people may be required to provide a portable restroom in a location approved by the Administrator.
D. Fees: Except as otherwise provided herein, the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable reservation fee, in addition to any applicable per diem or service fees for the use of the park, as established by resolution of the City Council, at the time of the filing of the park reservation application.
1. An individual or group may apply with the City to adopt a park. The requirements outlined in the annual Adopt-a-Park Program Guide shall be met in accordance with the applicable park maintenance standards.
2. If an adopt-a-park agreement is approved, the City will recognize the individual or group and waive park reservation fees as outlined in the annual Adopt-a-Park Program Guide.
3. An individual or group may apply with the City for a waiver of the seasonal use fee, provided the following minimum requirements are met:
a. Twenty (20) hours of service in the park;
b. A proposed plan of the service to be performed presented to the Administrator for approval;
c. Adequate performance in previous years if this request is made by the same individual or group as the prior year.
4. An individual or group may apply with the City for a waiver of a onetime daily rental fee for up to two hundred forty nine (249) people for a pavilion, sports field, or nonfield sport rental, provided the following minimum requirements are met:
a. Eight (8) hours of service in the park;
b. A proposed plan of the service to be performed presented to the Administrator for approval;
c. Adequate performance in previous years if this request is made by the same individual or group as the prior year.
E. Compliance: Compliance with the terms and requirements of this section shall exempt the applicant or organizer of the event subject to such requirements from the provision and requirements of title 5, chapter 5.16 of this Code. (Ord. 1249, 2019; Ord. 1230, 2018; Ord. 1180, 2015; Ord. 1144, 2014; Ord. 1083 §§ 1 - 6, 2011; Ord. 1030 § 1, 2009)