12.08.040: SUBDIVISIONS:
   A.   Proposed subdivision street or lane names shall be shown on all preliminary and final plats when submitted to the city for review. No preliminary or final plat shall be approved until the street names or numbers have been reviewed and approved by the house number administrator and checked against the original street name or number list for possible duplications.
   B.   It shall be the responsibility of any subdivider dedicating a new street to the city to finance the cost of installing such street name or number signs at each and every intersection. Street or number signs shall conform to the city specification requirements.
   C.   Specification requirements will be the responsibility of the house numbering administrator and with the approval of the city council.
   D.   Where necessary or desirable, any person may make application to the house numbering administrator to change a street name or number, or the house numbering administrator may do so for reasons of duplication, similar pronunciation or spelling, or for other reasons relating to public safety or convenience. The city will not change signs without compensation or agreement from the applicant. (Ord. 497 § 5, 1985)