12.04.010: DEFINITIONS:
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases defined in this section apply:
A path that is constructed of or with concrete, concrete pavers, pavement, gravel or similar material.
That area for vegetative growth, such as grass, bushes or trees, or for nonvegetative cover, such as bark, gravel and similar materials, located between any curb and public sidewalk within the city of Hailey and within a city or state right of way, regardless of whether the right of way has been dedicated, granted by deed, easement or license, or created by implied or prescriptive easement. For the purpose of this definition, planting strip shall not include improved driveways which cross a planting strip, provided the improved driveway has been installed as part of a public infrastructure project or has received an encroachment permit pursuant to chapter 12.16 of this title.
Any improved pathway within the city of Hailey available for use by the public on public or private property, but not within or adjacent to the city or state right of way, regardless whether the pathway has been dedicated, granted by deed, easement or license, or created by implied or prescriptive easement. For the purposes of this definition, the improved pathway of the former "railroad right of way" defined in section 12.12.010 of this title is a public pathway.
Any improved pathway within the city of Hailey available for use by the public and within or adjacent to the city or state right of way, regardless whether the pathway has been dedicated, granted by deed, easement or license, or created by implied or prescriptive easement.
Any way for general circulation by the public and for utilities, and includes, but is not limited to, a public street, public alley, public parking area or other public way. A public street may be created by grant, reservation or agreement, or may be established by prescription or implication in favor of the city of Hailey to use the land of another. (Ord. 1307, 2022; Ord. 1115, 2012; Ord. 906 § 1, 2005)