A.   No person shall operate a bicycle, e-bike, or alternative electric motored vehicle on a roadway against the flow of motorized traffic, except where permitted by official signs or pavement markings.
   B.   Every person operating a bicycle, e-bike, or alternative electric motored vehicle upon a two-way roadway which does not contain a bicycle lane is entitled to use the lane appropriate for the intended destination, including the right hand lane, and any designated bus lane. The operator shall proceed in the same direction of travel as other vehicles authorized to use that lane. On one-way roadways, a bicycle, e-bike, or alternative electric motored vehicle may be operated in any existing lane.
   C.   The operator of a bicycle, e-bike, or alternative electric motored vehicle traveling at a rate of speed which delays a vehicle or vehicles following in the same lane shall be required, when it is unlawful or unsafe for the following vehicle to pass, to move as far to the right of the traveled roadway, or to the left where the bicycle, e-bike, or alternative electric motored vehicle is in the left lane of a one-way roadway, as is safe under the conditions then existing; provided, however, that when the operator is within fifty feet (50') of an intersection, shall not be required to move to the right or left until moved through the intersection.
   D.   In right turn only lanes where traffic signs or signals indicate a bus is permitted to go straight rather than turn right, a bicycle, e-bike, or alternative electric motored vehicle operator shall be permitted to go straight rather than turn right. (Ord. 1307, 2022; Ord. 1123, 2013)