Solar or alternative energy permit applications located in an overlay district have the burden of demonstrating compliance with each of the standards of evaluation as set forth in this section.
   A.   Townsite Overlay District:
      1.   Roof-mounted solar systems may extend an additional five feet (5') beyond the maximum building height allowance of the zoning district in which it is located and must be equal to or less than the roof area.
      2.   Ground-mounted solar systems must be equal to or less than half of the yard area and no higher than ten feet (10') from record grade and is exempt from lot coverage calculations so long as the surface underneath is pervious.
   B.   Hillside Overlay:
      1.   Solar development is encouraged to occur on areas of lowest elevation on hillside properties where such areas are a part of the parcel or lot under consideration.
      2.   A reflection analysis from a qualified professional shall demonstrate the angle of the collector panels do not create a line-of-sight reflection as viewed from the air traffic control tower.
   C.   Special Flood Hazard Overlay District:
      1.   All solar development in the Special Flood Hazard Overlay is subject to standards A1-A7, A9-A18, and B7 as outlined in section 17.04J.060 of this title. (Ord. 1318, 2023)