A.   Building Standards:
      1.   All tiny homes on wheels shall meet the NOAH+ Standards, in addition to and except where they are superseded by the requirements for Hailey's climatic conditions, listed herein.
      2.   Additional Requirements For Hailey's Climatic Conditions:
         a.   Insulation:
            (1)   Minimum Insulation R-Values:
               (A)   Walls: R-19;
               (B)   Floors: R-20;
               (C)   Roof/ceiling: R28.
         b.   Vapor retarders shall be in accordance with the International Residential Code (IRC).
         c.   Windows and doors shall have a maximum 0.30 U-factor.
         d.   Roof snow loads shall meet the site-specific requirements set forth in Chapter 15.08: Building Code, Section 15.08.020: Amendment of Codes.
   B.   Inspections:
      1.   Inspection of the THOW building requirements or standards- including the NOAH+ Standardsii and the requirements for Hailey's climatic conditions- shall be completed and approved by the National Organization of Alternative Housing (NOAH) or another inspection agency that is approved by the Administrator.
      2.   A certificate of approval from the inspector shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for further review, approval, and issuance of the Compliance Certificate.
   C.   Establishing The THOW:
      1.   Location/Placement:
         a.   The THOW shall meet the setbacks for the Zoning Districts in which it is located.
         b.   The THOW shall adhere to the minimum separation distances for buildings, as articulated in Table R302.1(1) of the International Residential Codei.
      2.   Blocking And Anchoring:
         a.   The tiny homes on wheels chassis shall be maintained level, supported by blocks at a minimum of eight (8) points, one (1) per corner and two (2) per wheel well, and anchored to the ground.
         b.   Only a tongue jack shall be used on a full-time basis. No other jacks shall be used on a long-term (thirty one (31) days or more) basis.
      3.   Exterior Attachments:
         a.   Exterior attachments such as porches, decks, lean-tos, or sheds are permitted; however, they must be affixed in a manner that is freestanding or removable and allows for towing where appropriate.
         b.   Porches and decks shall be lower than eighteen inches (18") unless located in any flood hazard plain.
         c.   Detached or attached accessory structures (e.g., sheds) shall comply with the regulations outlined in Chapter 17.07 of Hailey's Municipal Code.
      4.   Skirting:
         a.   Skirting is required and shall be installed to enclose all open space between the THOW and the ground.
         b.   The skirting shall screen the wheels and aesthetically compliment, or continue the THOW siding, as approved through Administrative Design Review.
      5.   Municipal Service And Utility Connections:
         a.   All municipal and utility connections are subject to City standards, inspections, and policies.
         b.   Water And Wastewater:
            (1)   Tiny homes on wheels shall connect to municipal water and wastewater systems through the connection serving the primary residence, or via an additional, separate connection to the water or wastewater main lines.
            (2)   Water connections serving THOW shall remain separate from all secondary connections (e.g., irrigation lines).
            (3)   Insulating THOW water and wastewater connections, to prevent freezing, is the sole responsibility of the THOW owner. (Ord. 1320, 2023)