A.   Upon a showing of sufficient cause to believe that the holder of a safe and sane fireworks permit or a dangerous fireworks permit has in any way violated this chapter, the city may suspend said permit by:
      1.   Notifying the permittee by certified mail, personal service or substitute service of the grounds for such suspension and of the permittee's opportunity to appeal such denial to the city council. The notification shall be sent to the permittee's last known address of record;
      2.   The suspension notice should include explicit grounds for the suspension and any documents used to support and justify the suspension. The notice should also include a statement that informs the permittee of his or her rights to a hearing before the city council to appeal the suspension;
      3.   The permittee, upon receiving notice of the suspension, may appeal said suspension by making application to the fire chief for a hearing before the city council within ten (10) working days of receipt of the above stated notice.
   B.   Failure of a person to actually receive a notice sent or served shall not invalidate said suspension. In such a case, the permittee shall have fifteen (15) days from the date the notice was mailed to file an appeal with the fire chief.
   C.   Where there exists a clear endangerment to the health, safety and welfare of the public resulting from the use of the permit, in addition to the applicant's or his/her agent's failure to perform in conformance with the conditions and terms set forth on the permit and pursuant to this chapter, the city council or the fire chief, or his or her designated representative, may revoke the fireworks permit issued under the provisions of this chapter by immediately demanding and seizing the permit from the applicant or the applicant's designee. (Ord. 756 § 10, 2000)