(A)   Concrete and base.
      (1)   Concrete will not be used if the cut is within two feet of any utility line owned by the town.
      (2)   When this is not the case, concrete will be used, and shall be high early strength type; have compressive strength of 4,000 P.S.I. after 28 days; be placed at a uniform depth.
   (B)   When repairing concrete surfaces.
      (1)   Concrete shall be broom finished to conform to the cross-section and profile of the roadway and the edges troweled to be neat and uniform.
      (2)   If an opening is to extend from one joint section of existing pavement into another, a butt joint or contraction joint of two inches in depth shall be constructed on the alignment of the original joint.
      (3)   If the opening is to be more than 15 feet in length and no original joints are provided, then contraction joints must be constructed so that no joint spacing is greater than 15 feet.
   (C)   Hot asphalt concrete pavement.
      (1)   Materials shall be placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed l.5 inches in depth.
      (2)   The final surface will be rolled with equipment standard to the standard asphalt paving industry. Hand tamping will not be allowed.
      (3)   Materials and application will meet the specifications for hot asphalt concrete as prescribed by the Indiana State Highway Commission.
(Ord. 12-1981, passed 8-3-1981) Penalty, see § 94.99