The Town Council finds and declares that the nonregulated sales of personal property in districts zoned residential in the town designated herein as garage sales are annoying to citizens of the town, conducive to congestion in the area, and that it is necessary for the safety and welfare of the citizens of the town to enact the provisions and prohibitions herein contained, not to prevent, but to regulate the sales.
(Ord. 11-1982, passed 12-6-1982)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GARAGE SALE. All general sales, open to the public, conducted from or on a residential premise in any residential zone, as defined by the zoning ordinance, for the purpose of disposing of personal property, including, but not limited to, all sales entitled GARAGE, LAWN, YARD, ATTIC, PORCH, ROOM, BACKYARD, PATIO, FLEA MARKET, or RUMMAGE SALE.
PERSONAL PROPERTY. Property which is owned, utilized, and maintained by an individual or members of his or her residence and acquired in the normal course of living in or maintaining a residence.
RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. All districts shown in the code of ordinances and the zoning maps pertinent thereto which are zoned for residential one- or two-family or multiple residential use only within the corporate limits of the town.
(Ord. 11-1982, passed 12-6-1982)