(A)   When all of the owners of lots adjoining a public alley in the town between intersections of public alleys and public alleys, or public alleys and public streets request, by properly signed petitions, to have the public alley paved, then the town shall cooperate in the paving by furnishing the following:
      (1)   All necessary engineering service;
      (2)   All labor necessary to do necessary grading;
      (3)   All necessary gravel; and
      (4)   All necessary equipment.
   (B)   The lot owners shall do and furnish all else necessary, and all work done and material furnished shall be according to the plans and specifications duly approved by the Town Council.
   (C)   There must be sufficient funds available and appropriated to do and perform the things set out in divisions (A) and (B) above.
   (D)   If any of the owners fail or refuse to sign the original petition and other owners adjoining the alley sign an agreement to furnish material and labor for those failing or refusing to sign, then, in that event, the petition shall be considered as having been signed by all of the lot owners.
   (E)   If two or more petitions are pending at the same time, the Town Council shall be the sole judge as to which petition shall receive first consideration and action.
   (F)   The entire expense of paving intersections of alleys shall be paid by the town.
(1963 Code, Ch. 10, § 2) (Ord. 1-1942, passed 1-5-1942)