Within 90 days or from the date of a final dispositive vote by the Planning Commission, the City Council shall either adopt or reject the recommendation of the Planning Commission or adopt some modification thereof as provided herein.
   (A)   The Council shall take one of the following actions on a recommendation from the Planning Commission:
      (1)   The Council may take no action and after 90 days, the Planning Commission recommendation is adopted by operation of law;
      (2)   The Council may accept the Planning Commission recommendation (finding of fact/summary of evidence and testimony);
      (3)   The Council may review the transcript of the public hearing held before the Planning Commission and then either adopt or reject or modify the Planning Commission recommendation based on findings of fact developed from the review; or
      (4)   The Council may hold a public hearing which meets the notice requirements in the ordinance and, at the conclusion of the public hearing, make a final decision based on findings of fact developed at the hearing.
   (B)   The Council can then go into deliberations and develop findings of fact which support its decision. The Council may go into closed session to deliberate.
   (C)   It shall take a majority of the entire legislative body to override the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
   (D)   An ordinance will be adopted to reflect any final action resulting in a map amendment or text amendment.
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-7-2013)