(A)   All applicants for a telecommunications facility permit shall co-locate on an existing facility if it is feasible to do so. An existing facility shall be deemed to be available to the applicant for co-location if the facility is within the search ring of the applicant or within a reasonable distance so as to fit into the applicant's design. Space is available on the facility. The facility owner will lease space to applicant at a reasonable market rate.
      (1)   If the applicant finds co-location is not feasible, it shall submit to the city a written statement of the reasons for the infeasibility. The city may retain a technical expert in the field of radio frequency (RF) engineering to determine whether co-location at the site is feasible. The cost for a technical expert will be at the expense of the applicant.
      (2)   The city may deny the permit unless the applicant demonstrates to the city by substantial evidence that existing telecommunications facilities cannot accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna.
   (B)   A telecommunications tower shall not be permitted unless the owner of the proposed tower certifies to the city that the tower is available for use by other telecommunications service providers on a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis. Towers shall be designed and built to accommodate a minimum of three telecommunications facilities.
   (C)   To facilitate co-location and coordination of telecommunication sites all telecommunication service providers shall, within 90 days of the passage of this chapter, provide the city with their respective master antenna plans. The plans shall include detailed maps showing the locations of all telecommunications towers serving any portion of the city and indicating their coverage areas.
   (D)   Providers shall also provide the city with any updates to the above documents within 90 days of their creation.
(Ord. 3071, passed 10-17-00)