(A)   All bus and sightseeing vehicle operators licensed under this chapter shall submit proposed routes to be utilized by licensed vehicles indicating whether the proposal is a fixed route or open route. Routes shall be reviewed to insure the safety of passengers, the safety of other vehicular and pedestrian traffic and to insure that the normal traffic patterns within the city are not adversely affected. After approval of the proposed routes, the vehicles shall operate only within the approved route.
   (B)   Permanent additions and/or changes in routes must be requested in writing to the Public Transportation Authority which will make a study to determine if the change or addition is appropriate and, if so, will approve the request in writing.
   (C)   Temporary additions to the approved route must be requested in writing to the Public Transportation Authority which will, if approved, issue in writing permission specifying the exact deviation in route, the particular vehicle involved, and the duration of the temporary change.
(`90 Code, § 21-8) (Ord. 2723, passed 8-16-83; Am. Ord. 3022, passed 7-15-97)