(A)   The Council, by motion or resolution, is hereby authorized to establish parking time limits, or to prohibit parking, on designated streets and parts of streets, by having appropriate signs placed thereon.
   (B)   When such signs are in place, it is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in violation thereof.
   (C)   (1)   Any person violating the provisions of division (A) and (B) shall be subject to a civil fine. A violation shall be indicated by the placing of a notice of such violation on the windshield of the vehicle exceeding the time limits.
      (2)   The notice shall be on a form prescribed by the City Manager or his designated representative. The civil fine for such violation shall be $5 if paid within two days from the date of the violation and $10 if paid after two days from the date of the violation.
   (D)   (1)   The fine may be paid by mailing or personally delivering the notice and a personal check or money order to cover the fine to the office of the City Treasurer. Should the violator elect to object to the imposition of the fine and to have a hearing on the violation, the person may so indicate on the notice and mail or present it to the City Treasurer with a bond by cash or money order equal to the fine pending the outcome of the hearing. The bond may be used to pay the fine in the event the determination of the Municipal Judge upholds the imposition of the civil fine. If no bond accompanies the request for hearing, no hearing shall be granted.
      (2)   The request for a hearing shall be forwarded by the City Treasurer or his designated representative to the Municipal Judge and the violation shall be set for hearing. The person requesting the hearing shall be notified of the time and place of the hearing by the City Treasurer’s office by mailing a copy of the notice by regular mail to the address indicated on the request for hearing. The Municipal Judge may take evidence of the violation and shall determine if there has been a violation of the provisions of divisions (A) and (B). If it is determined that there was a violation the Municipal Judge shall enforce the fine indicated on the notice.
   (E)   Any vehicle having three or more outstanding civil fines against it may be impounded by the Police Department. The vehicle may be retained by the department pending the payment of all fines, towing and storage charges.
(`90 Code, § 20-130) (Ord. 2788, passed 12-17-85)