(A) Any police officer who has served the Police Department of the city for a period of more than one year, and has contributed to the fund for the period of time and has served less than 20 years in the police department of any city or town in the state, having standards equivalent to those required in this city, and who has entered into any agreement provided for in this article may withdraw from the agreement and shall be paid the full amount of his or her contributions, after deducting from the contributions all benefit payments made to him or her under the provisions of this article, upon his or her dismissal or resignation as an officer or employee of the Police Department of the city after which he or she shall not receive any of the benefits provided for in this article.
(B) (1) If the police officer withdraws and decides to resume payments at a later date, he or she must pay the amount previously withdrawn, plus all he or she should have paid during the period of withdrawal.
(2) If a police officer has served for a period as provided under this section and should die from natural causes, then and in that event, the widow of the police officer shall be entitled to receive all of his contributions to the Police Pension Fund, as part of his or her estate, after deducting from the contributions all benefit payments made to him or her under the provisions of this article.
(`90 Code, § 1-46) (Ord. 2675, passed 1-20-81)