(A)   As the BOD, suspended solids and other pollutant concentrations discharged shall be approximately equal for all domestic type users, users shall be charged on a volume basis in accordance with the following formula, which is based on the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, as amended, 40 CFR Part 35.935-13 and 40 CFR Subpart E, Appendix B, Model #1:
Cu = Cb +
(Ct )(Vu)
   (B)   (1)   Cu equals a user's charge for sewer service (total O & M) per unit of time.
      (2)   Cb equals a user's base minimum charge for certain fixed costs per unit of time.
      (3)   Ct equals total operation and maintenance (O&M) costs per unit of time.
      (4)   Vt equals total volume contribution from all users per unit of time.
      (5)   Vu equals volume contribution from a user per unit of time.
   (C)   Example: It is determined that the total annual fixed costs (debt retirement, administration, billing and the like) for the system is $61,500 and there are a total of 3,100 sewer customers. Each user's minimum monthly base charge is determined to be $61,500 divided by 3,100 users. That equals $19.84 divided by 12. This equals $1.65 per month. It is further determined that the total annual variable costs (labor, power, supplies, O&M and the like) for the system is $140,000 and that the approximate total volume contribution for all users is 350,000,000 gallons per year. The variable charge (Ct/Vt) is, therefore, determined to be $140,000 divided by 350,000. This equals $.40 per 1,000 gallons. Based upon this example and the above user charge schedule the monthly charge for a customer using 5,000 gallons of water would be $1.65, plus $.40 times five. This equals $3.65.
(`90 Code, § 18-49) (Ord. 2759, passed 1-8-85)