(A)   It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person, firm or corporation to obtain from any person, firm or corporation any money or property or labor or service or other thing of value or credit on an account or credit on any other obligation by means or use of a worthless check, either as the maker or endorser thereof.
(`90 Code, § 14-12)
   (B)   The term “worthless check,” as used herein, is defined as any written, printed or engraved check, draft or other negotiable instrument payable to bearer or to the order of any person, firm or corporation named thereon, which check, draft or other negotiable instrument has been dishonored by the drawee named thereon because of insufficient funds on deposit by maker with the drawee or because of the maker having no account with the drawee.
(`90 Code, § 14-13)
   (C)   The making, drawing, uttering or delivering of a worthless check shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud and of the knowledge that maker has insufficient funds or no account (as the case may be) with the drawee named in the worthless check. The maker shall not have paid the drawee thereof the amount due thereon, together with the protest fees, within five days from the date the same is presented for payment, and provided, further, that the worthless check is first presented to the drawee for payment within 30 days after date of the worthless check as shown on the face thereof.
(`90 Code, § 14-14)
   (D)   Any endorser of a worthless check who obtains thereby money, property, labor, services or other things of value or credit on an account or credit on any other obligation shall be deemed guilty of uttering a worthless check within the meaning of this article, provided that the endorser shall not have paid the holder the amount due thereon within three days after written or personal notification by the holder that the worthless check has been dishonored by the drawee named thereon and provided, further, that the worthless check is first presented to the drawee for payment within 30 days after the date of the worthless check as shown on the face thereof.
(`90 Code, § 14-15)