There shall be one Judge of the Court. The Judge must be duly licensed to practice law in the state. He or she may engage in the practice of law in other courts, but he or she shall not accept employment inconsistent with his or her duties as Judge, or arising out of facts which give rise to or are connected with cases within the jurisdiction of the Court, pending therein or which might become the subject of proceedings therein. He or she must be a resident of the county. If no attorney licensed to practice law in the state resides in the county, who is at the time of appointment willing to accept the appointment as Judge, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, may appoint any suitable and proper person as Judge to act until the appointment and qualification as the Judge of an attorney licensed to practice law in the state. He or she may serve as judge of other municipal courts, if the service may be accomplished consistently with his or her duties as the Judge of the Court, with the consent of the City Council.
(`90 Code, § 12-4)