(A)   No person may provide ambulance services in response to a request for emergency ambulance transport originating within the GEMS District without first obtaining an emergency ambulance service license issued pursuant to the provisions of this code, except for those uses exempted in § 11-91(B), below.
   (B)   No person may provide routine transport ambulance services in response to a request for routine transport originating within the GEMS District without first obtaining a routine transport ambulance service license issued pursuant to the provisions of this code, except for those uses exempted in § 11-91(B), below.
   (C)   No person may provide special events ambulance standby service within the GEMS District without first obtaining an emergency ambulance service license issued pursuant to the provisions of this code.
   (D)   No license shall be issued, and no license application shall be processed, unless the applicant has paid a license application processing fee payable to the Quality Assurance Fund in the amount of $500, and no license shall be continued in good standing unless the holder is current in its obligations to pay the medical quality assurance fee for the right to engage in the ambulance business within the GEMS District, as provided for in division (E), immediately below.
   (E)   Every holder of an emergency ambulance service license, routine transport ambulance service license, or specialized mobile intensive care permit, probationary or other, shall, as a condition of maintaining its license or permit in good standing, pay a medical quality assurance fee of $3 per each patient transported by the holder from a location within the GEMS District. Such fee shall be paid to the Quality Assurance Fund of the city, and shall be paid for all transports made during each calendar month within 30 days after the end of the month. Beginning the month of January, 1993, such $3 amount shall be increased annually by the same percentage as the increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index over the most recent 12-month period for which published statistics are then available.
   (F)   No license or permit shall be assignable or transferable by the person to whom issued except as herein provided.
   (G)   No transfer or assignment of existing licenses or permits shall be effective absent the recommendation of the GEMS Director and approval of the Medical Director.
   (H)   Any transfer of shares of stock or interest of any person or ambulance service so as to cause a change in the directors, officers, shareholders, or managers of such person or ambulance service shall be deemed a transfer or assignment, subject to these provisions.
   (I)   Upon approval by the Medical Director of the applicant’s submission, the city shall issue a probationary emergency ambulance license valid for a period of six months. Such probationary license shall allow applicant to respond, from the effective date of the probationary license, to emergency calls originating with the GEMS District.
   (J)   Each holder of a probationary license shall fully comply with its proforma system status plan, as approved by the Medical Director, from the effective date of its probationary license, unless a change in the plan to correct response time deficiencies is proposed by the holder of the probationary license, and approved by the Medical Director.
   (K)   During the six-month probationary period, the applicant’s response time performance and clinical quality of care shall be carefully evaluated by the Medical Director. If performance is consistently and substantially within the proforma plans, and in compliance with the requirements of this code, such probationary emergency ambulance service license shall become a valid emergency ambulance service license, renewable annually upon continual compliance with this code.
   (L)   After the probationary period, chronic failure to comply with response time standards or clinical quality of care requirements or data and reporting requirements shall be grounds for revocation of the emergency ambulance service.
   (M)   If any ambulance service’s emergency ambulance service license is suspended three times within any three-year period for failure to make required payments under division (E), above, such license shall be automatically revoked, upon the third event.
   (N)   Any holder of a valid emergency ambulance service license issued pursuant to this code shall, upon application to the city, be issued a routine transport ambulance service license to transport non-emergency patients from locations within the GEMS District, and such license shall be valid so long as the emergency ambulance service license remains in effect, and shall automatically expire upon the expiration, suspension, or revocation of the emergency ambulance service license.
(Ord. 3286, passed 3-15-16)