Every owner of a residence or other building in which humans reside, are employed or congregate within this city shall install, equip and maintain adequate sanitary facilities for the disposal of human excrement; namely, a sanitary water closet or closets, or a sanitary pit privy or privies. The closets and toilets hereby required shall be of the sanitary water closet type and connected to the sanitary sewer system when located within 50 feet of a sanitary sewer system when located within 50 feet of the sewer extensions proposed for construction with the funds provided by the Housing and Urban Development Administration, shall have two years from the date of the completion of the extensions to connect with the sewer extensions, and of the sanitary water closet type (notwithstanding a greater distance from a sanitary sewer) or to the water closet type emptying into a septic tank system or the pit privy type provided that a septic tank system or a pit privy may be used in such cases only if it meets the standards of and is approved by the Health Department.
(`90 Code, § 11-2)