The Convention and Visitor Bureau shall:
   (A)   Gather information and ideas; conduct research; assist the contract service provider (if applicable) in advertising and promotional programs, travel to solicit conventions, trade shows, agricultural, educational and special events; assist in advising the City Council and the contract service provider (if applicable) in the promotion of the city’s image so that Guthrie will be developed and maintained as a visitor’s and tourism destination.
   (B)   Advise the contract service provider (if applicable) of the promotional, recreational, commercial, industrial and economic events in, around and for the benefit of the city and its residents.
   (C)   Encourage, promote and foster visitor and tourism conventions, conferences and tourism development in the city and assist the contract service provider (if applicable) in the solicitation of visitor attractions, events, tourism, conferences, conventions and meetings in the city.
   (D)   Submit to the city annually a recommended budget of operations for the forthcoming fiscal year.
   (E)   CVB meetings are governed by the State of Oklahoma Open Meeting Law.
   (F)   Funds of the Convention and Visitor Bureau or its contractor (if applicable) shall be subject to annual audit according to accepted governmental accounting principles.
(Ord. 3263, passed 10-7-14)