(A)   Upon the receipt of the approved application from the Chief of Police, and upon payment by the applicant of the prescribed license fee, the City Clerk shall issue the license on a certificate deemed appropriate by the City Clerk. Licenses for mobile food vendors, canvassers, solicitors, itinerant merchants, or peddlers shall be effective for a term of one year from the date of issuance and shall include an identification badge to be issued by the city.
   (B)   Fees:
      (1)   Solicitors who reside within the city limits shall be charged a license fee of $75.00.
      (2)   Solicitors who do not reside within the city limits shall be charged a license fee of $250.00.
   (C)   All solicitors, as defined in Section 5-126 of this code, shall be issued an identification badge by the City of Guthrie. This badge must be worn conspicuously on the front of an outer garment at all times during solicitation activities within the corporate limits of the City of Guthrie.
(Ord. 2972, passed 5-18-93; Am. Ord. 3093, passed 10-16-01; Am. Ord. 3412, passed 5-21-24)