To initiate recall proceedings, a written statement, in duplicate, proposing the recall of the office holder shall be signed by one hundred (100) or more registered, qualified electors of the City of Guthrie, and shall be filed with the City Clerk. The statement shall contain the reason, or reasons, for which recall is sought, such statement in two hundred (200) words or less. Within five (5) business days, the City Clerk shall mail a copy of such statement by registered, certified or similar special mail to the official sought to be recalled at his or her residential address. Said officer shall have ten (10) business days after mailing of such statement to formulate and deliver to the City Clerk a statement of not more than two hundred (200) words setting forth the reason, or reasons, justifying such officer's conduct in office. When the ten (10) business day period for response on the part of the office holder has expired, the persons desiring said recall shall file with the City Clerk a petition for the recall of such officer. Said petition shall contain in the heading thereof the reasons for the recall as stated in the statement filed, and the reasons justifying such officer's conduct in office, if the office holder shall have filed any such reasons within the ten (10) business day period. Said petition shall be filed with the City Clerk prior to circulation.