The Commission established pursuant to this article shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
   (A)   To establish such rules and procedures as are necessary for the efficient conduct of the business of the Commission;
   (B)   To adopt specific guidelines for selection of landmarks, landmark sites and historic districts, which guidelines shall be adopted subject to the approval of the City Council;
   (C)   To recommend to the City Council properties for designation as a landmark or landmark site or a historic district;
   (D)   To regulate new construction within a historic district and exterior alterations to landmarks, landmark sites and properties within defined historic districts in the manner described herein;
   (E)   To regulate the design and placement of all permanent signs within a historic district and on landmarks and landmark sites;
   (F)   To recommend to Council specific guidelines to use in making decisions for approval or denial of certificates of appropriateness;
   (G)   To recommend to City Manager to direct staff to stop work on projects that do not have the proper authorization by the Commission or do not conform to the conditions of issued certificates of appropriateness;
   (H)   To prepare and place on landmarks and landmark sites a suitable plaque or other marker declaring that such resource is a designated landmark. Such plaque shall be installed with the owner’s permission and shall contain information deemed appropriate by the Commission. Any expenditure of funds provided for this purpose by the city shall be subject to the approval of the City Council;
   (I)   To request funds from City Council and other funding organizations through the city and to recommend expenditure of such funds in order to accomplish the stated purpose of the Commission;
   (J)   To recommend to City Council specific application fees and other related fees;
   (K)   To prepare and present an annual report on the Commission’s activities to City Council;
   (L)   To recommend to City Council for contracting with the county, state or federal government or any agency or division of the governments or with any other organization, which contract is necessary or advisable for the accomplishment of the goals of the Commission;
   (M) To cooperate with federal, state, county and local governments in the pursuit of the objectives of historic preservation and to work with city departments on projects or departmental plans that have the potential to impact historic resources;
   (N)   To promote and conduct educational and interpretive programs on historic properties;
   (O)   To conduct a survey of local properties within the boundaries of the city complying with all applicable standards and criteria of the Oklahoma Statewide Survey undertaken by the State Historic Preservation Office;
   (P)   To establish and maintain a detailed inventory of property within historic districts and of landmarks and landmark sites within the city;
   (Q)   To prepare a historic preservation plan for the city and to prepare a historic preservation chapter for inclusion in the city’s comprehensive plan;
   (R)   To retain consultants and conduct additional studies as deemed desirable or necessary by the Commission, except that any expenditure of city funds or of any funds administered by the city, shall be subject to the prior approval of the City Council;
   (S)   To perform all other duties, responsibilities and other functions enumerated in this article.
(Ord. 3075, passed 3-20-01)