(A)   The owner, upon demand by any city officer or Animal Control Officer empowered to enforce this chapter, shall surrender any animal that has bitten or with their teeth scratched a human, or which is suspected as having been exposed to rabies, for supervised quarantine testing or euthanasia, the expense for which shall be borne by the owner. The animal may be reclaimed by the owner, if adjudged free of rabies.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any owner of a dog, cat or other animal knowing or suspecting the animal has rabies to allow such to be taken off his or her premises or beyond the limits of the city without written permission of the Animal Control Supervisor. Every owner or other person upon ascertaining a dog or other animal is rabid shall immediately notify the Animal Control Officer or the Police Department who shall remove the animal and summarily destroy it. The remains are to then be submitted to the State Health Department for testing.
(Ord. 3198, passed 9-16-08)