(A)   Every ambulance service provider, as a condition of the emergency ambulance service license, shall employ sufficient certified personnel, acquire sufficient equipment, and manage its resources as necessary to achieve response time standards on all emergency calls and routine transport calls originating within the GEMS District and received by the 911 dispatch center(s).
   (B)   In the event of an onset of such inclement weather or other disaster that the Medical Director or his or her designee, in his or her sole discretion, believes that the threat to a GEMS District patient care presented by complying with response time standards outweighs the threat to such patient care from a delayed response, the Medical Director or his or her designee may declare an emergency, thus suspending these response time requirements until the declaration is lifted. During such periods, all ambulance service providers shall use best efforts to provide maximum safe coverage throughout the GEMS District. Runs made to calls originating during a period in which an emergency has been declared in accordance with this section shall be excluded from response time calculations until the declaration has been lifted. An emergency will be declared only in times of unusual and extremely hazardous driving conditions, such as ice storms, freezing drizzle, extensive flooding, thick fog or similarly dangerous or impassable road conditions.
(Ord. 3286, passed 3-15-16)