An applicant shall submit the following items to the Town Manager:
(A) Inventory. For wireless facilities, an inventory list and map of existing wireless facilities operated by the applicant and other providers within two miles of the proposed site ("service area"). The inventory list must include specific information as to location, height and design of each facility. The town may share such information with other applicants seeking to locate wireless facilities within the service area, in order to encourage collocation.
(B) Report on alternatives. For wireless facilities, a report explaining why the wireless facility is needed at the requested location. If applicant is seeking to construct a new monopole wireless facility, applicant shall explain why collocation or location on another kind of support structure is not feasible, including efforts made to develop such an alternative. If the town has requested that applicant collocate its wireless facility on a site, applicant shall explain why collocation is not feasible, including efforts made to develop such an alternative. If the town has requested applicant to consider location of the wireless facility in possible alternative sites in adjacent cities, applicant shall include in its report efforts made to develop such alternatives, and a discussion of the feasibility of such alternatives. Failure to make a report on alternatives and develop viable alternatives when so requested may result in denial of a permit.
(C) Structural plans for the tower. Plans shall include a diagram of the proposed facility and antennas, including height, shape, size and nature of construction. The plans shall include a diagram showing the separation between the proposed tower and any existing wireless facility or facilities on the same support structure or site, if collocation is planned.
(D) Site plan. A site/landscaping plan showing the specific placement of the tower on the site, including setbacks from adjacent property lines; showing the location of existing structures, trees, and other significant site features; and indicating type and locations of plant materials used to screen tower components and the proposed color(s) for the wireless facility.
(E) Photosimulations. Photosimulations of the view of the proposed tower from residential properties and public rights-of-way at varying distances.
(F) Signed statement. For wireless facilities, a signed statement stating that:
(1) The applicant agrees to allow collocation of additional wireless facility equipment by other providers on the applicant's support structure or within the same site location, when feasible; and
(2) If the applicant locates its wireless facility on leased property, the applicant agrees it will not request the landowner to exclude other providers from collocating a wireless facility on such site when collocation may be feasible.
(G) Radio frequency emissions. Prior to beginning operations, the permittee shall submit a verified report which provides a calculation of its installed peak radio frequency ("RF") emissions capacity at the site, the cumulative installed peak RF emissions capacity at the site (including a description of any collocation providers) and compare the results with established federal standards.
(H) Conditional use permit requirements. Any other information required by the town for issuance of a conditional use permit.
(I) Waiver or modification. If applicant seeks a waiver or modification of any requirement herein, the town will request applicant to submit additional information to determine whether strict compliance with this chapter is feasible.
(J) Fees. Applicants shall pay a permit fee as established by resolution of the Council, which fee shall include all consulting costs as may be required by the town to review the application.
(Ord. O2020.26, passed 8-27-2020)