(A)   If no appeal is taken from the amount of the assessment, or if an appeal is taken and the Council has affirmed or modified the amount of the assessment, the original assessment or the assessment as so modified shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and, from the date of its recording, shall be a lien on said lot or tract of land until paid. Such liens shall be subject and inferior to the lien for general taxes and to all prior recorded mortgage and encumbrances of record. A sale of the property to satisfy a lien obtained under the provisions of this section shall be made upon judgment of foreclosure or order of sale. The town shall have the right to bring an action to enforce the lien in the superior court at any time after the recording of the assessment, but failure to enforce the lien by such action shall not affect its validity.
   (B)   The recorded assessment shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of all matters recited therein and of the regularity of all proceedings prior to the recording thereof. A prior assessment for the purposes provided in this section shall not be a bar to a subsequent assessment or assessments for such purposes, and any number of liens on the same lot or tract of land may be enforced in the same action.
(1989 Code, § 10-4-10)