§ 154.121 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   FLOOR AREA. The cumulative floor areas of the several floors of a building and/or the open land area needed for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients, or patients, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for display or sale of merchandise. It shall not mean floors or parts of floors used principally for non-public purposes, such as storage, automobile parking, incidental repair, processing or packaging of merchandise, show windows, or for office incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or buildings, or to rest rooms or powder rooms.
   OFF-STREET BOAT OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SPACE. Space which is primarily utilized for the parking of one boat or recreational vehicle and measuring not less than ten feet by 24 feet.
   OFF-STREET PARKING AREA. The area reserved for transient storage of motor vehicles, including parking spaces, maneuvering areas, aisles, and driveways completely located on the property it serves.
   OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE. A paved and properly drained parking space for one vehicle, in the form of a rectangle not less than nine feet by 20 feet, excluding driveways or aisles, and with access to a public thoroughfare.
(Zoning Code, Art. IV Part I)