(A)   Each parcel shall be required to provide minimum landscaped areas equal to 10% of the total site area.
   (B)   Landscaping shall be sufficient to meet the purpose of this subchapter and shall be in accordance with standards as approved by the Town Council.
   (C)   Provision shall be made for water service to all landscaped areas requiring water.
   (D)   Lack of maintenance of the landscaped areas by the owner or the lessor of the property shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
   (E)   All outdoor storage areas for materials, trash equipment, vehicles, or other similar items which are located within 100 feet of a street or a residential district shall be provided with a screening wall, view obscuring fence, or dense hedge sufficient in height to screen such areas from view.
   (F)   Parking areas shall be screened from street view by the use of walls, berms, or a combination of the two to a minimum height of three feet above the highest finished grade of the parking area. Such screening may be supplemented by up to 25% intermittent landscaping.
   (G)    Masonry walls at least six feet in height shall be installed along the interior boundaries of the site where the site is adjacent to or across the alley from a residential district. Where deemed desirable, substitution of a screening fence, landscaping screen, or a reduced height of a fence may be permitted by the Town Council.
   (H)   All fences in the rear yard having an alley must allow for a three-foot by eight-foot inset with a gate, for storage of garbage cans.
   (I)   All outdoor lighting shall be directed down and screened away from adjacent properties and streets.
   (J)   Where the unusual nature, size, or location of a specified property justifies the modification of these requirements, the Council may by variance approve a site plan with lesser requirements than those specified in this section.
   (K)   With Council approval, in C-2, I-1, and I-2 districts, the fenced-in area for the storage of materials and equipment may include a three-strand barb wire or barbed tape for maximum security.
(Zoning Code, Art. III Part II)