(A)   (1)   An appeal shall stay all proceedings in the matter appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certified to the Council that, by reason of the fact stated in the certificate, the stay would in his or her opinion cause imminent peril to life or property.
      (2)   In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed, except by a restraining order granted by the Council or by a court of record on application and notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken.
      (3)   The Council shall fix a reasonable time for hearing the appeal and give notice thereof to the parties in interest and the public.
   (B)   The concurring vote of a majority of the Council shall be necessary to reverse any order or decision of an administrative official, or to pass or to affect any variations from the terms and conditions of this chapter.
(Zoning Code, Art. I Part III)