§ 154.030 AMENDMENTS.
   (A)   The regulations and boundaries set forth in this chapter may be amended, supplemented, changed, modified, or repealed whenever deemed necessary to best serve the public interest, health, comfort, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the town.
   (B)   Before any such amendments can be considered by the Town Council, a public hearing shall be held at which parties of interest and citizens are to be heard.
   (C)   (1)   Any recommendation of approval for an amendment, or any adoption of an amendment, may be subject to such conditions as the Council deems applicable in order to fully carry out the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   If the condition regards a schedule for development of the specific use or uses for which zoning is requested and at the expiration of that period the property has not been developed according to said schedule, it shall revert to its former zoning classification without legislative action. Any request for an extension of amendment to the conditions granted shall be considered as a new application.
   (D)   Applications for amendments shall be made in the office of the Town Manager/Clerk by the owner or owners of real property, or by the Town Council on its own motion.
   (E)   (1)   If the owners of 20% or more, either of the area of the lands included in the proposed ordinance or zoning map change, or those immediately adjacent in the rear or any side thereof extending 150 feet therefrom, or those directly opposite thereto extending 150 feet from the street frontage of opposite lots file a protest in writing against a proposed ordinance amendment, such amendment shall not become effective except by a favorable vote of three-fourths of all members of the Town Council.
      (2)   If any members of the Town Council are unable to vote on such a questions because of conflict of interest, then the required number of votes for passage of the question shall be three-fourths of the remaining membership of the Town Council, provided that such requirement number of votes shall in no event be less than the majority of the full membership of the Town Council.
(Zoning Code, Art. I Part III)