(A)   Conditional use permits which may be revokable, conditional, or valid for a term period, may be granted only when expressly permitted in the zoning district herein specified by this chapter and only after the Town Council has filed, in writing, that the granting of such conditional use permit will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare and that the characteristics of the use proposed in such conditional use permits are compatible with the types of uses permitted in the surrounding area.
   (B)   The burden of proof satisfying these requirements shall rest with the applicant.
   (C)   In the case where a use permit is conditional upon a time schedule of development, if the property has not been developed within one year or on a schedule agreed upon by the Town Council, the conditional use application shall cease. Any request for an extension to these conditions shall be considered as a new application.
(Zoning Code, Art. I Part II)