(A)   The subdivider of land shall be required to install or otherwise provide for certain improvements within the subdivision. Such improvements shall not be installed prior to proper endorsement of the final plat by the Council.
   (B)   The proper installation of such improvements, other than those by a private utility company, shall be assured by provision of surety in the form of bond or cash escrow in favor of the town. All improvements installed by the developer shall comply with specifications and standards approved by the town.
   (C)   Such surety shall be properly executed prior to any grading or construction and shall be released in segments upon written approval of the Department. A building permit shall not be issued for a lot or tract in any subdivision for which such surety has not been furnished.
   (D)   The minimum width for any street right-of-way shall be 50 feet except by special permit approved by the Council for purely local drives. All streets and other public spaces and easements shall conform in effect to the comprehensive plan, both as to location and as to width or size. When adjoining undeveloped property, a full street shall be dedicated.
   (E)   The minimum width of any alley, wherever provided, shall be 15 feet. Where alleys are not provided, easements may be required along lot lines of or across lots where necessary for the extension of water mains, sewers, and similar purposes; such easement shall be a minimum width of eight feet along the appropriate property lines.
   (F)   The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the direct continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining subdivisions (or their proper projection where adjoining property is not subdivided) insofar as they may be necessary for public requirements. In general, such streets shall be a width at least as great as the existing streets or 50 feet, whichever is greater. The street and alley arrangement must also be such as to provide opportunity for access and use by adjoining property owners.
   (G)   Wherever a street will not open into another street, an adequate circular turn around shall be provided. Grades of streets shall be the lowest feasible, and no grade shall be in excess of 5% on through traffic streets nor in excess of 10% on any other street. Streets shall be paved with such paving of a type and strength suitable for the volume and character of traffic to be expected and should meet town specifications. All improvements shall conform to the best engineering standards. Due consideration shall be given throughout to the appearance of the subdivision and the various features thereof within its own boundaries and also in its environment in the town.
   (H)   The subdivider shall install street signs at all intersections within the subdivision. Such street signs shall follow the street names designated on the approved final plat and shall comply with the specifications of the town.
   (I)   The subdivider shall be responsible for the proper installation of all utilities including sanitary sewers and connection to approved treatment facilities and water supply approved by the state’s Department of Health Services. Such utilities shall be installed according to the specifications and minimum standards of the controlling utility company or public agency.
   (J)   Sidewalks are required unless exempted by the Council.
(1989 Code, § 15-5)