(A) The business of the Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:
(1) Call to order;
(2) Roll call;
(3) Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance;
(4) Approval of minutes;
(5) Call to the public;
(6) Mayor and Council presentations;
(7) Discussion and possible action items;
(8) Town Manager’s comments;
(9) Council members' comments; and
(10) Adjournment.
(B) The Mayor, or in his or her absence, the Vice Mayor or other Chairperson at the Council meeting shall have the power to deviate from the order of business set forth above by taking listed items out of order when the need arises. In addition, on those occasions where large numbers of persons wish to address the Council, the Mayor or other Chairperson shall have the right to limit the number of persons speaking under the call to the public; direct that some of those wishing to speak be moved to the back of the agenda or to another agenda when it appears that the agenda item known as the call to the public will overwhelm the rest of the agenda.
(1989 Code, § 2-4-6) (Ord. 2005-09, passed 9-8-2005; Ord. O2020.21, passed 4-23-2020)