§ 30.064 AGENDA.
   Prior to each Council meeting, on or before a time fixed by the Council for preparation and distribution of an agenda, whichever is earlier, the Town Manager/Clerk shall collect all written reports, communications, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other documents to be submitted to the Council and prepare a draft copy of an agenda according to the order of business and furnish said draft copy to the Mayor, the Manager, and the Attorney for review. Upon the approval of the Mayor, after receiving comments from the Manager and the Attorney, a final version of the agenda shall be provided to the Mayor, each Council member, the Manager, and the Attorney along with any material pertinent thereto. In the event that the Mayor has deleted any proposed agenda item or refused to place an item on the agenda, said item will be placed on the next regular meeting agenda providing that not less than three Council members request in writing that such item be placed on said future agenda. Unless the Mayor consents to a shorter period, said written request must be made no later than two weeks prior to the next regular meeting wherein such agenda item would be considered.
(1989 Code, § 2-4-5) (Ord. 2000-02, passed 6-8-2000)