For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   MINOR. An individual younger than the “legal drinking age” as defined by the state. This age is 21 years as of date of passage of this section.
   VAPOR-RELEASING SUBSTANCE CONTAINING TOXIC SUBSTANCE. Paint or varnish dispensed by the use of aerosol spray, or any glue, which releases vapors or fumes containing acetone, volatile acetates, benzene, butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, ethylene dichloride, isopropyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, methyl ethyl ketone, pentachlorophenol, petroleum ether, toluene, volatile ketones, isophorone, chloroform, methylene chloride, mesityl oxide, xylene, cumene, ethylbenzene, trichloroethylene, mibk, miak, mek or diacetone alcohol or isobutyl nitrite.
(Ord. 90-06, passed 9-13-1990)