If at any primary election held as above provided there be any office for which no candidate is elected, then as to such office, said election shall be considered to be a primary election for nomination of candidates for such office, and the second or general municipal election shall be held to vote for candidates to fill such office. Candidates to be placed on the ballot at the general municipal election shall be those not elected at the primary election and shall be equal in number to twice the number to be elected to any given office or less than that number if there be less than that number named on the primary election ballot. Persons who receive the highest number of votes for the respective offices at such first election shall be the only candidates at such second election, provided that if there be any person who, under the provisions of this subchapter, would have been entitled to become a candidate for any office except for the fact that some other candidate received an equal number of votes therefor, then all such persons receiving an equal number of votes shall likewise become candidates for such office.
(1989 Code, § 2-3-3)