935.01 General.
935.02 Drainage policy.
935.03 Drainage requirements.
935.04 Exemptions.
935.05 Waivers.
935.06 Stormwater runoff control criteria.
935.07 Stormwater system general design criteria.
935.08 Stormwater system specific design specifications.
935.09 Routine and remedial maintenance.
935.10 Abatement procedures.
935.11 Illicit discharge to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
935.12 Post construction stormwater Best Management Practices, operation and maintenance.
935.99 Penalty.
(a) The Administrator shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Stormwater Management Code and shall not allow any development of land area unless such development meets the design requirements herein. The Administrator shall serve as the principal executive officer for storm water management for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency’s NPDES Phase II storm water program.
(b) The Planning Commission shall not recommend for approval the final plat of any development or subdivision over which it has jurisdiction without documentation from the Administrator and the Engineer, that such development or subdivision has been designed to be in compliance with the design requirements herein.
(c) It is the intent of these minimum requirements to account for the effect of stormwater runoff from the development of land so as to minimize the impact on existing and natural drainage systems. While the requirements set forth herein will not stop flooding or the damage caused by flooding, they do establish a basis for design which will:
(1) Minimize the damage and inconvenience of flooding;
(2) Provide drainage systems which continue to benefit their tributary area over the long term;
(3) Minimize the adverse affects of new drainage systems on existing systems; and
(4) Minimize the expense of maintaining the drainage facilities within the Municipality.
(d) The Administrator shall prepare, or cause to prepare, a storm water management plan, required as part of the NPDES Phase II storm water program in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, including all annual updates and amendments thereto.
(Ord. 08-021. Passed 4-14-08.)
(Ord. 08-021. Passed 4-14-08.)
(a) This drainage policy, control guidelines and criteria do not provide solutions to all drainage problems, nor is the Engineer restricted to these designs or procedures exclusively. Although the policies as stated will hold true for most development work, the Municipality realizes that there may be individual projects involving special or unusual drainage design problems that should be reviewed prior to completing the requisite Master Drainage Plan. Exceptions may be granted by the Administrator to the policies and criteria in such cases when engineering study(s) justify modification.
(b) Experience has shown that most of the more serious flooding situations are “created”. Development can lead to ever increasing flooding problems unless well-conceived, cooperative stormwater drainage and flood control programs are undertaken throughout the entire watershed. For this reason, the general policy of the Municipality shall be:
(1) Land uses and developments which increase runoff rate or volume shall control the discharge rate of runoff prior to its release to off-site land.
(2) It is the responsibility of the property owner to not change or alter any drainage course, ditch, flood routing path or drainage system on his/her property that will damage or cause flooding to adjacent, upstream or downstream property owners.
(3) All stormwater drainage systems, including conveyances, within a development shall be designed to have capacity and depth, including sufficient invert elevations to permit future connections, to serve that total tributary area at the design storm frequency, and based on the rate of single family, residential runoff except as noted in subsection (4) below. The system for the upstream tributary area must be extended through the development.
(4) All proposed development with a runoff rate greater than that which the downstream system has capacity for, or will be designed for, will be required to control the rate of stormwater discharge.
(5) All developments having existing controls located downstream from the site will be required to control the flow rate of stormwater discharge to that rate which existed prior to development.
(6) All information necessary shall be submitted to the Municipality to determine how stormwater runoff should be controlled within the development prior to its release to downstream properties. The tributary area and the upstream watersheds should be determined using natural land divides unless man-made alterations are approved by the Municipality’s Engineer as the basis for watershed delineations.
(7) The Stormwater Management Policy applies to all land developments not specifically exempted or granted a waiver as provided under the appropriate section of this Policy.
(Ord. 08-021. Passed 4-14-08.)